Women’s Group to DNC: Drop November Debate with MSNBC Until NBC News Cleans House and Launches Independent Investigation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, October 15, 2019
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com
Women’s Group to DNC: Drop November Debate with MSNBC Until NBC News Cleans House and Launches Independent Investigation

UltraViolet Calls on the DNC to Support Survivors, Pull Debate from MSNBC Unless NBC News Takes Action to Address Culture of Sexual Abuse at the Network

In the wake of mounting allegations of a culture of sexual abuse at NBC News, and reports that Noah Oppenheim helped shield sexual abusers at the network, Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet Action, a leading national women’s organization, explained:

“The DNC needs to make it clear that they support survivors of sexual abuse and cancel the upcoming 2020 Democratic presidential primary debate on MSNBC until Comcast and NBC News take clear steps to clean up the toxic culture that exists across their networks.

“Mounting reports show that NBC News executives – namely Noah Oppenheim – failed to hold sexual abusers accountable, failed to combat a toxic culture across newsrooms, and that the network’s so-called investigation into its culture was little more than a sham to provide cover for executives.

“Additional reports that MSNBC executive Phil Griffin showed staff graphic images of Access Hollywood personality Maria Menounos prove that this toxic culture is an epidemic that extends across nearly all newsrooms and networks at the company.

“Taken together, these initial reports demonstrate that NBC’s current leadership is either unable or unwilling to take appropriate steps to combat the culture of sexual abuse at the networks.
These are problems that can only be solved by significant structural and cultural changes at MSNBC, NBC News, and its parent company, Comcast.

“We’ve seen what real change to address sexual abuse at a major network could look like. After firing Les Moonves, CBS now has an HR officer on every show and in every department, and a robust way to report complaints to an outside line. While no single policy can eliminate the pervasiveness of sexual abuse in the workplace, CBS has made it clear that they are committed to addressing the issues at the network and developing comprehensive solutions to protect their employees.

“The DNC must stand with survivors and pull the upcoming democratic presidential primary debate from MSNBC until Comcast takes clear steps to clean house at NBC News.”

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