Women’s Group To Joe Biden: Do Better

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, March 27, 2019

CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group To Joe Biden: Do Better

Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet, a leading national women’s advocacy organization, issued the following statement in response to former Vice President Joe Biden’s comments about Anita Hill:

“Our message to Joe Biden is clear: do better. Do better for women. Do better for survivors of sexual assault. Do better to acknowledge the role you played in those hearings and the harm it caused not only to survivors, but all women.

“This is not a subject he can sweep under the rug. This is not something he can just get out of the way before announcing his candidacy. This is not something one line in a speech or interview will fix.

“Joe Biden was the ringleader of the hostile and sexist hearing that put Anita Hill, not Clarance Thomas, on trial. In doing so, Biden caused tremendous harm to all survivors, he set back the movement, and he helped put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court.

“Let’s be clear: Joe Biden owes Anita Hill a direct and sincere apology. He also owes the American public an honest conversation about his role during this dismal moment of our nation’s history. ”

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