TODAY: UltraViolet to Help Lead Nationwide Protests Responding Supreme Court’s Anticipated Reversal of Abortion Rights Nationwide

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, May 03, 2022
CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro |

TODAY: UltraViolet to Help Lead Nationwide Protests Responding Supreme Court’s Anticipated Reversal of Abortion Rights Nationwide

Gender Equality Group & Allies Rally Outside The Supreme Court And Federal Court Buildings Across the United States

Statement from Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director at UltraViolet, a leading gender equality organization:

“Abortion is restricted or illegal in 23 states already. With legislation pending to criminalize abortion in three of those states, a Supreme Court decision reversing Roe v. Wade would spark a public health crisis, putting the Court on a path to rollback numerous other ‘settled cases,’ People will die. Economically disenfranchised people in rural areas will suffer most. This is no exaggeration.

“The Supreme Court needs to think long and hard about whether or not this holding, written by Justice Alito, will be their final decision – and whether the legitimacy of the Supreme Court can survive.

“Democrats must rise to the occasion immediately by abolishing the filibuster, passing the right to abortion, and moving to expand the Cour. This moment is possible because Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans packed the Court with ideological and overtly political right-wing justices.

“For the corporations that have continued to turn a blind eye to the Republican Party’s increased extremism – your time of reckoning is now. Companies should loudly and publicly declare that they will halt all political donations to anti-choice Republican political campaigns, and implement measures that ensure that their employees have access to reproductive health care, regardless of which state they live in.

“If final, The Supreme Court’s leaked decision is a sign of things to come. This is not only about women and pregnant people — it’s about all people whose fundamental rights are under attack, including the right to vote. This is just the beginning. .

“We cannot let that happen. That is why UltraViolet and our members will be outside the Supreme Court today and federal courts throughout the nation to make sure our voices are heard. We are the majority.”

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