Tell Cerberus: Don’t cave to anti-abortion extremists!

Tell Cerberus: Don’t cave to anti-abortion extremists!

California is leading the way in abortion access by paying for its pharmacies to get mifepristone certification, and UltraViolet members have called on pharmacies in the state to take advantage. Now we need to call on Cerberus--the investment firm that owns hundreds of Albertsons, Vons, and Safeway pharmacies in California--to take advantage of this funding and not cave to pressure from anti-choice extremists!

Sign the Petition
Tell OpenAI and Google DeepMind to listen to their workers!

Tell OpenAI and Google DeepMind to listen to their workers!

Over a dozen employees from OpenAI and Google DeepMind--two of the most prominent AI labs--have put their careers and livelihoods at risk by speaking out against the culture of "recklessness" and "secrecy" when it comes to AI development. OpenAI has illegally made staff sign agreements requiring them to waive their federal rights to whistleblower compensation. Enough is enough! Tell these Big Tech companies to listen to their employees and stop stripping their fundamental right to call out harmful practices.

Sign the Petition
Tell Bumble: If you care about women, you'll protect our private data

Tell Bumble: If you care about women, you'll protect our private data

Bumble, the dating app that claims to be women-centered, is leaving users in the dark about what it does with our personal information. Users go on dating apps like Bumble looking for connection and love, only to become data gold mines. That's why UltraViolet has joined Mozilla and a number of other privacy, public interest, and gender justice organizations to express our concerns over Bumble's privacy practices. Sign the petition to help our demands reach Bumble!

Sign the Petition
Massachusetts residents! Can you make a call to protect our location data and safety?

Massachusetts residents! Can you make a call to protect our location data and safety?

Every day, unregulated data brokers buy and sell personal location data from apps on our cellphones, exposing where we live, work, play, pick up our kids from school, and seek health care. Please fill out the form to place your phone call to your state legislator, and urge them to protect our privacy, safety, and access to abortion and other essential health care by passing the Location Shield Act (H.357/S.148).

Call now
California! Tell pharmacies in the Golden State to dispense the abortion pill

California! Tell pharmacies in the Golden State to dispense the abortion pill

The state of California is willing to pay for pharmacies to get licensed to dispense the abortion pill mifepristone. That’s why we are telling all pharmacies in the Golden State: Take state funds and expedite the certification process to make mifepristone available to every Californian!

Sign the petition
Californians: Tell state lawmakers to pass senate bill that protects survivors

Californians: Tell state lawmakers to pass senate bill that protects survivors

For survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV), also known as domestic violence, a car with internet access can be a double-edged sword: While a car can be essential to a person escaping violence, a "connected" or "smart" car can enable abuse. That’s why we are calling on the state legislature to pass senate bill 1394, which would protect IPV survivors from abusers tracking their connected vehicles.

Sign the Petition
Tell Disney: Drop Pat McAfee

Tell Disney: Drop Pat McAfee

A “white b****”. That’s what Pat McAfee, who is paid $17 million a year by the Disney-owned ESPN to host a sports talk show, said about WNBA rookie Caitlin Clark. Women deserve real sports coverage free of sexism and racism. Sign the petition to tell Disney to cancel McAfee’s contract and to shut down the Pat McAfee Show!

Sign the Petition
ESPN and Warner: Invest in women's basketball

ESPN and Warner: Invest in women's basketball

Invest in women's basketball. Pay the WNBA what it'’s worth for broadcast rights, not just for today but for future generations.

Sign the Petition
Tell Google: Stop supercharging the spread of non-consensual deepfakes

Tell Google: Stop supercharging the spread of non-consensual deepfakes

Search results for women's names should never include non-consensual sexual deepfakes or the websites and apps that help people create them. We urge Google, which is responsible for 36% of all traffic to the largest deepfake porn platforms on the internet, to delist websites and apps that supercharge the spread of this abusive content.

Sign the petition
Tell Meta, TikTok, and X: Ban #DignifAI and stop profiting from online harassment!

Tell Meta, TikTok, and X: Ban #DignifAI and stop profiting from online harassment!

#DignifAI is a campaign that is aimed at shaming, harassing, and reducing women to sexual objects by manipulating their images without their consent. Social Media platforms Meta, TikTok, and X must ban #DignifAI content immediately and stop promoting and profiting from platforms that supercharge harassment of women and girls online.

Sign the petition
Social Media Platforms: Protect women!

Social Media Platforms: Protect women!

Considering how consequential the upcoming national elections are, we are calling on all social media platforms to adhere to a list of guidelines that will protect women from online harassment and voter intimidation. Among our demands, we want these platforms to reinstate election-integrity policies and fully staff critical platform-integrity teams to ensure more efficient enforcement across languages; and to hold influencer, public figure, and political candidate accounts to the same moderation and enforcement standards as everyone else.

Sign the petition
Tell the California Assembly & Governor Gavin Newsom to end child marriage!

Tell the California Assembly & Governor Gavin Newsom to end child marriage!

It's hard to believe that child marriage--often, girls married off to adult men--could happen in deep blue California. But, sadly, it does, and more frequently than we'd like to think. It's estimated that 23,588 children were married in California between 2000 and 2018--and those are just the cases that we know about. Once married, these underaged girls do not qualify for many legal protections, due to their limited legal capacity as minors. Many domestic violence shelters won't even take in girls fleeing child marriages if they are not accompanied by a parent...who is usually the one who married off their daughter in the first place! Sign the petition to the California state assembly and Governor Gavin Newsom urging them to pass Assembly Bill 2924 prohibiting anyone under the age of 18 to marry in the state--without exceptions.

Sign the petition
Tell CNN: Fire analyst Scott Jennings for Islamophobic attacks!

Tell CNN: Fire analyst Scott Jennings for Islamophobic attacks!

At a time when women of color leaders are facing unprecedented levels of racist attacks and violent threats, CNN is platforming Islamophobes and their hate. Most recently, the news network aired a disturbing interview with conservative analyst Scott Jennings, in which he called US Representative Ilhan Omar a "public relations agent for Hamas." Sign the petition to tell CNN to stop platforming hate and to fire Jennings!

Sign the petition
Tell U.S. pharmacies to provide abortion care to their customers

Tell U.S. pharmacies to provide abortion care to their customers

Thanks to relentless public pressure, including the UltraViolet community, Walgreens and CVS have started dispensing the abortion pill mifepristone. Now, it’s time for all other major pharmacies to do the same! Keep up the pressure by signing our petition today.

Sign the petition
Tell Tech Companies: Stop the harm created by non-consensual deepfakes

Tell Tech Companies: Stop the harm created by non-consensual deepfakes

What happened to Taylor Swift is horrible—fake images spread across the internet showing her performing sexual acts, seen by over 47 million people. But it’s not just Taylor. A growing number of women—including underage girls—have been targets of non-consensual deepfakes for years, with devastating consequences, including lost jobs and depression. To put a real stop to the harm we need to look at the root of the problem: tech companies like Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter/X, and Google that have built, and continue to manage and profit from the technology that allows for the easy creation and distribution of deepfake porn. Join us in holding these companies accountable, and demanding they make changes to bring an end to the harm caused by non-consensual deepfakes.

Sign the petition
Tell Steam, TikTok, and YouTube to stop Gamergate 2.0

Tell Steam, TikTok, and YouTube to stop Gamergate 2.0

We cannot tolerate the perpetuation of misogyny and racism against women gamers on these platforms. Steam, TikTok, and YouTube must take immediate action to ban forums and videos promoting such harmful behavior.

Sign the petition
The media must stop sexist and racist coverage of women’s basketball!

The media must stop sexist and racist coverage of women’s basketball!

Louisiana State University player Angel Reese has dominated on the court as one of the best players out there. She bested superstar player Caitlin Clark in the tournament last year and made it to the quarterfinals this year. But the media continues to apply a standard to Reese and her counterparts that they would never use for male players. It's time for this sexist, racist coverage of women's basketball to stop. Will you sign our petition calling on media outlets to end their double standard when reporting on women's sports?

Sign the petition
Sign if you agree: IVF should be available to all

Sign if you agree: IVF should be available to all

The petition to Senate Majority Leader Schumer reads: Stand up for the rights of people to decide when and how to start a family. Call an up-or-down vote on the Access To Building Families Act to expand access to IVF nationwide.

Sign the petition
People's Amicus Brief to Save Mifepristone

People's Amicus Brief to Save Mifepristone

The ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA invalidating FDA approval of mifepristone is unconscionable. Mifepristone--approved 23 years ago and used effectively by millions of people for abortion and miscarriage management--is perfectly safe. Anti-abortion extremists are attempting to use the courts to ban abortion nationwide, even in states that have legal protections for abortion access. This is why I’m joining UltraViolet and people across the country in urging the courts to reverse this harmful decision and uphold the law.

Sign the petition
Tell online payment processor Stripe: Cut all ties with Kick

Tell online payment processor Stripe: Cut all ties with Kick

Stripe, one of the largest payment processors in the United States, is processing transactions for the far-right streaming site Kick--and fueling the rapid spread of misogyny, racism, and homophobia. Sign the petition now to demand Stripe drop Kick.

Sign the petition
Tell NBC: Drop the Republican primary debate!

Tell NBC: Drop the Republican primary debate!

Rumble is known as a gathering space to spread white supremacist hate, racism, misogyny, and extremism, and to organize violence. If NBC goes through with its plans to be Rumble's co-partner and air the Republican presidential debate next week, the network would validate Rumble as a legitimate news source, expose millions of viewers to disinformation, and undermine our country's democracy.

Sign the petition
Tell Youtube: Stop monetizing misogyny and hate!

Tell Youtube: Stop monetizing misogyny and hate!

YouTube's terms of service prohibit the hate speech that appears regularly on misogynistic YouTube shows, but YouTube has been extremely slow to demonetize streamers that promote hatred of women. Send an email to the company now to demand that it STOP monetizing hate speech and demonetize shows that espouse hatred of women and other marginalized groups.

Sent letter
Stop Misogyny on YouTube

Stop Misogyny on YouTube

Rabidly misogynistic YouTube shows are being paid millions by through YouTube's Partnership Program while advocating white male superiority, violence against women, and rape. We’re calling on YouTube to stop subsidizing hate speech and demonetize shows that espouse hatred of women and other marginalized groups

Sign the petition
Tell Apple and Google: Ban misogynyistic racist Kick app from your store

Tell Apple and Google: Ban misogynyistic racist Kick app from your store

In just a few months since launching, the social media streaming site Kick has already streamed porn, gambling, racist content, and Nazi imagery to children. This streaming site is popular in the Google and Apple app stores where any child with a tablet or smartphone can download and immediately have access to misogynist and racist content. Kick must be removed from Apple and Google app stores.

Sign the petition
Meta: Expedite End-To-End Encryption Now!

Meta: Expedite End-To-End Encryption Now!

Meta must protect users from being criminalized by police for seeking an abortion. We are writing to you to demand your teams expedite the expansion of default end-to-end encryption on Messenger and in all private direct messaging within Meta platforms.

Sign the petition
Tell Netflix: Be in solidarity with survivors

Tell Netflix: Be in solidarity with survivors

Netflix must remove Russell Brand's specials, movies, and other content from its streaming services globally. Netflix has a long and horrible history of platforming rapists and misogynists. From Louis C.K. to Dave Chapelle, and now Russell Brand, Netflix has shown us time and time again that it prioritizes profit and abuse over women, survivors and their customers. It's time for Netflix to change!

Sign the petition
Tell NBA Commissioner Adam Silver to Hold Abusers Accountable

Tell NBA Commissioner Adam Silver to Hold Abusers Accountable

Houston Rockets guard Kevin Porter Jr. has a well-documented and distressing pattern of violence and abuse. It's time to put Porter on administrative leave, and reassess and update the NBA's policies to hold domestic abusers accountable.

Sign the petition
Tell gaming companies: Enough with sexism and misogyny!

Tell gaming companies: Enough with sexism and misogyny!

Electronic Arts Inc.'s (EA) decision to push forward with its plans to add mixed gender teams to its gameplay, despite the sexist backlash by some gamers, is a clear reminder that no matter the industry ... skill. is. not. gendered. But more work needs to be done to make gaming a safe place for everyone, not just men. And one immediate step that companies can take is to make their games more inclusive.

Sign the petition
Stop sexist, racist attacks on Fani Willis

Stop sexist, racist attacks on Fani Willis

Media coverage of Donald Trump's latest indictment in Georgia by District Attorney Fani Willis has been shot through with sexist and racist attacks and double standards, baselessly questioning Willis's character and qualifications.

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ABC, CBS, PBS, NBC, CNN, and affiliates: Stop platforming Trump!

ABC, CBS, PBS, NBC, CNN, and affiliates: Stop platforming Trump!

Mainstream media cannot keep giving Donald Trump airtime to spread his misogynistic, bigoted, and xenophobic ideologies. His sexism and racism are a direct threat to our democracy and the safety of all women, BIPOC, trans and nonbinary people, and LGBTQ+ people.

Sign the petition
Bring Brittney Griner Home!

Bring Brittney Griner Home!

The Russian government is notorious for human rights abuses, especially against multiethnic populations and LGBTQ+ people. Griner is in grave danger there as a Black, queer woman. We must bring her home! Sign the petition to urge the Biden administration to negotiate for Brittney Griner's safe release from custody!

Sign the petition
Tell Corporate America: Stop funding anti-abortion politicians!

Tell Corporate America: Stop funding anti-abortion politicians!

Major corporations like AT&T, Disney, and Comcast share as much blame as the anti-abortion extremists that they bankroll.

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Breonna Taylor Was Essential

Breonna Taylor Was Essential

This campaign is a collaboration between UltraViolet and Black Lives Matter Louisville community activists working on the ground to demand justice for Breonna Taylor.

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Nextdoor: Ban Racism and Hate Speech

Nextdoor: Ban Racism and Hate Speech

Nextdoor must ban hate speech, end relationships with police, hold moderators accountable, and hire more people of color.

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Stop Hate For Profit

Stop Hate For Profit

Join the Facebook ad boycott and demand Facebook ban hate speech and disinformation.

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Nurses need protection from the coronavirus

Nurses need protection from the coronavirus

Trump must use the Defense Production Act to ramp up production and rush supplies to nurses on the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19.

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