National Women’s Group Says it Unequivocally Believes Candice Russell  

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, March 26, 2019

CONTACT: Madison Donzis |

National Women’s Group Says it Unequivocally Believes Candice Russell  

Earlier this week, Candice Russell, a survivor and abortion access activist, published her story of Dr. Willie Parker’s sexual assault against her via Medium. Parker is a physician who sits on the board of multiple institutions working in reproductive health care, and is the chair-elect of the Board of Physicians for Reproductive Health. Parker was previously an OB/GYN who opposed abortion on moral grounds before changing his mind, later becoming one of the only doctors to provide abortion services in Mississippi.

Shaunna Thomas, Executive Director of the leading women’s advocacy group, UltraViolet, issued the following statement in response:

“We believe survivors. We unequivocally believe Candice Russell. Sexual violence is an epidemic that pervades all parts of our society, including movements for social justice.

“Demanding accountability from leaders in our movement only makes us stronger. Now that Candice Russell has done just that, it is on us to model what justice really looks like. We stand with her and thank her for her bravery.”

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