Plane Over NYC World Cup Parade Slams FIFA for Pay Discrimination

New York, NY — Calls for equal pay for women’s soccer are heating up this week in NYC, with a bevy of bike ads and a giant plane slated to draw attention to FIFA pay discrimination as the USA women’s national team celebrates it’s World Cup win with a parade.

The plane banner will read: @UltraViolet: FIFA– Equal Pay 4 Equal Play

UltraViolet, which had been campaigning on the FIFA pay gap since February, renewed their campaign after the 2016 World Cup champions netted only $2 million for their win, while the winners of the 2014 men’s World Cup netted $35 million. In contrast, the USA men’s team was awarded a whopping $8 million prize after losing in the first round.

The ads come in the midst of a national petition calling for equal pay signed by more than 70,000 UltraViolet members:

“Our message to FIFA is simple: equal pay for equal play,” said Nita Chaudhary on why the group is sponsoring the ads. “FIFA’s antiquated pay discrimination isn’t acceptable anymore.”

Women’s group UltraViolet has been working tirelessly in support of equality in sports in the last year– publicly shaming the NFL and NBA for not taking violence against women seriously. They have also been extremely active in the fight to end pay disparities– from shaming states with large pay disparities to successfully pressuring Target to raise the minimum wage, an issue affecting predominantly female workers.

Note to press: UltraViolet staff are available for interviews on the topic of pay discrimination, FIFA, and the USA women’s national soccer team. To schedule, please contact Molly Haigh at 907-750-1999 or

Media Advisory For: Friday July 9, 2015
Contact: Molly Haigh, 907-750-1999,

