TONIGHT: In Cities Across the US, Women’s Group Projects Messages on Buildings Shedding Light on America’s National Rape Culture Epidemic

Media Advisory For: Monday, October 17, 2016, 8:15 PM ET

TONIGHT: In Cities Across the US, Women’s Group Projects Messages on Buildings Shedding Light on America’s National Rape Culture Epidemic

UltraViolet, a national women’s organization, has commissioned a series of projections to go up on buildings in Atlanta, GA; Milwaukee, WI; Raleigh, NC; Las Vegas, NV; Denver, CO; and New York, NY; in an effort to bring attention to the United States’ national rape culture epidemic. With one-in-five American women assaulted in their lifetimes, and major national discussions around sexual assault happening this election season – the general public at large still doesn’t know what rape culture it is or how prevalent it is in our communities.

In Atlanta, Georgia: The projection will be displayed onto the CNN Building at 1 CNN Center tonight at 8:15PM ET.
In Milwaukee, WI: The projection will be displayed onto Milwaukee’s County Courthouse at 901 N. 9th Street tonight at 7:00pm CT.
In Las Vegas, NV: The projection will be displayed onto The Fountains of the Bellagio at 3600 S. Las Vegas Blvd tonight at 7:00pm PT.
In Brooklyn, NY: The projection will be displayed onto the Brooklyn Bridge at 85 New Dock Street tonight at 7:00pm ET.
In Raleigh, NC: The projection will be displayed onto the Marriott Hotel near the North Carolina Theatre at 500 Fayetteville Street tonight at 7:00pm ET.
In Denver, CO: The projection will be displayed onto the Federal Building at 932 20th Street tonight at 9:00pm ET.
The projections are designed to shed light sexual assault and rape culture in America’s communities and highlight how survivors of sexual assault often face tremendous obstacles to winning justice for the crimes committed against them. The projections will read:

“This is rape culture.
1 in 5 women sexually assaulted
This is rape culture.
Survivors bullied, shamed, not BELIEVED
This is rape culture.
97% of rapists avoid jail
This is rape culture.
Less than 50% of rapes are reported”

“One in five American women will be sexually assaulted at some point in her lifetime,” said Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet. “It is crucial that we take the steps necessary to speak up for survivors and educate people about the cultural stigma that comes with survivors coming forward with their stories of assault.

“It’s on all of us to take responsibility for a culture that normalizes and excuses violence against women; for a culture that perpetuates violence against women and blames the victims of assault and rape instead of their attackers. Now more than ever we need to stand up and say ‘enough! That’s the message over one million members of UltraViolet are spreading today,” added Chaudhary.

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UltraViolet is an online community of over 1,000,000 women and men who want to take collective action to expose and fight sexism in the public sector, private sector and the media. Find out more at

