UltraViolet Action: Accusations Against Carmona Must Be Taken Seriously, Prove Carmona Unfit to Represent California’s 34th Congressional District

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Monday, April 3, 2017

CONTACT:  Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105 | brett@unbendablemedia.com


UltraViolet Action: Accusations Against Carmona Must Be Taken Seriously, Prove Carmona Unfit to Represent California’s 34th Congressional District

Last week, multiple women within the progressive movement, including former Nevada state Rep. Lucy Flores, and former Bernie Sanders presidential campaign staffer Masha Mendieta, spoke out about serious concerns regarding Arturo Carmona’s treatment of women.  Carmona is currently running as a candidate in the Democratic primary for California’s 34th Congressional district.

In reaction to these public accounts, Karin Roland, Chief Campaigns Officer with UltraViolet Action, a leading progressive women’s advocacy organization, issued the following statement:

“The multiple public accounts that have emerged documenting Arturo Carmona’s mistreatment of the women who worked for him are deeply disturbing, though  unsurprising.  And while it is all too common for women to face sexism and misogyny in their workplaces, the reason that Carmona was able to rise to the level of a Congressional candidate is because members of our own community – the progressive community  – ignored the women who called him out and promoted him anyway.

“Carmona is unfit to represent California’s 34th Congressional district and unqualified to call himself a progressive.  Progressives do not demean and degrade women.  When survivors of sexual abuse and harassment come forward, we must believe them.

“For the good of our movements, and our community, we must do better.”


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