UltraViolet Action: Hearing or No Hearing, Kavanaugh Must Withdraw

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 20, 2018

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com | (516) 841-1105


UltraViolet Action: Hearing or No Hearing, Kavanaugh Must Withdraw 

In response to breaking news that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has opened negotiations on a testimony, Shaunna Thomas, Executive Director of leading women’s advocacy organization UltraViolet Action, issued the following:

“We believe Dr. Blasey Ford. She has nothing to gain and everything to lose in this situation. Meanwhile, Brett Kavanaugh has repeatedly lied to the committee and proven himself unfit to sit on the highest court in the land.

“Because of this, hearing or no hearing, Brett Kavanaugh must withdraw.

“The efforts by Senate Republicans to bully Dr. Blasey Ford have shown their true colors. They are a party who knows no shame and will do anything to advance their extreme ideological agenda.

“Dr. Blasey Ford is a hero and has more courage than the entire US Senate combined. If she chooses to testify we have her back 100%.”

Earlier today, Shaunna Thomas, Co-founder and Executive Director of UltraViolet, and Terri Poore, Policy Director at the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, penned a new piece on the five things Senators need to know to do right by survivors of sexual violence.

READ THE PIECE HERE: https://medium.com/@UltraViolet/what-senators-need-to-know-to-be-on-the-side-of-survivors-4375553c01e7

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