UltraViolet: Congress Needs To Wake Up. End Recess. Get Back To Work. And Start Helping Those Who Need It Most.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, April 21, 2020

CONTACT: Madison Donzis | madison@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet: Congress Needs To Wake Up. End Recess. Get Back To Work. And Start Helping Those Who Need It Most.   

Shaunna Thomas, Executive Director of the leading women’s advocacy group, UltraViolet, issued the following statement on Congress acting on additional PPP funding

“Congress needs to wake up. Ruth’s Chris does not need another $20 million bail out. Workers, families and front line workers need help. And they need it now. This bill is woefully insufficient—plain and simple.

It is women and people of color who are on the frontlines of the outbreak, both as essential workers and as patients. And yet, this bill does not even remotely begin to offer sufficient protections like affordable health care, paid sick leave, personal protective equipment and occupational safety and health standards for them.

“We must not let Republicans in Congress continue to hamper efforts to ensure that women, Black people and people of color are protected as they drag their feet and recklessly and dangerously reopen state economies.

“Moreover, businesses led by women, Black people and people of color should get priority access to federal dollars. Period. They have been historically left behind and are once again at the back of the line. Congress can and must do more. They should immediately end recess and get back to work. This bill is not enough and to vote on it and leave town again without instituting remote voting is nothing but a dereliction of duty. 

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