UltraViolet on NH State Rep. Robert Fisher’s Resignation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, May 17, 2017
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105 | brett@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet on NH State Rep. Robert Fisher’s Resignation

NEW HAMPSHIRE — Moments ago, The Concord Monitor reported that New Hampshire State Representative Robert Fisher resigned. His resignation came hours after the the New Hampshire Legislative Administration Committee declined to take action against Fisher for his support of misogyny in an online forum.

Fisher’s comments on the forum include recommending ways for men to dodge rape accusations and statements that rape has specific benefits for the rapist. Since the comments were discovered, Fisher has doubled down and publicly defended the myth that most women lie about rape and has said that men should put cameras in their bedrooms to protect themselves.

Statement from Karin Roland, Chief Campaigns Officer of UltraViolet, a leading women’s advocacy organization, on NH State Rep. Robert Fisher’s resignation:

“We welcome Robert Fisher’s resignation from the New Hampshire state legislature. Fisher’s repulsive ideology and cultivation of a pro-rape forum put women’s lives at risk–he directly contributed to America’s rape epidemic by normalizing and excusing violence against women. It is deeply concerning that New Hampshire’s Legislative Administration Committee did not recognize what the rest of us did – that brand of dangerous misogyny simply has no place our government.”

Earlier today, UltraViolet, Action Together New Hampshire, Granite State Progress, and Rep. Debra Altschiller held a small rally where participants dressed in costumes from the popular book and TV show A Handmaid’s Tale urged the Legislative Administration Committee to recommend the expulsion of Rep. Fisher.

More than 42,000 members of UltraViolet have signed onto the petition calling on the New Hampshire State Legislature to discipline Fisher and expel him from office. State lawmakers and New Hampshire’s Governor have also called for Fisher to resign.

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