Women’s Group Demands Interim MSU President John Engler Step Down After Comments Shaming Survivors of Nassar’s Abuse

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, January 19, 2019
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com
Women’s Group Demands Interim MSU President John Engler Step Down After Comments Shaming Survivors of Nassar’s Abuse
Statement from Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet, a leading national women’s organization that supports sexual survivors and demanded former MSU President Anna K. Simons step down for being complicit in Larry Nassar’s abuse of female athletes:
“Survivors of sexual harassment and assault come forward to seek justice, despite the public scrutiny and trauma of reliving their experiences not because of it – and people like MSU Interim President John Engler, who attempted to shame these brave women earlier this week, are the reason that predators like Larry Nassar are able to get away with their abuse for so long.
“Frankly, it is unacceptable that Engler was appointed as interim President of MSU in the first place – given his record of hostile views towards sexual abuse survivors. Engler previously accused Nassar’s accusers of taking kickbacks from trial attorneys and staunchly opposed justice for rape survivors who had been assaulted by State corrections officers.
“If Michigan State University’s Board of Trustees is serious about standing with survivors and addressing years of complicity with Nassar’s abuse – they should start by removing John Engler as interim President immediately.”
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