Women’s Group Launches Massive New Ad Campaign to Change Abortion Conversation
CONTACT: Andrea L. Alford, 703-477-1075, andrea@fitzgibbonmedia.com or Doug Gordon, 202-494-5141, doug@fitzgibbonmedia.com
Women’s Group Launches Massive New Ad Campaign to Change Abortion Conversation
New $250K Campaign Blankets Comedy Central, Xbox Live, ESPN, Match.com and More With Ads to Target Young People on Reality of Abortion Care
WASHINGTON, D.C. — UltraViolet, a national women’s advocacy organization, is launching a massive new $250,000 online ad campaign starting June 10th geared at changing the conversation around abortion. The ads will target young people on sites ranging from Comedy Central to XBox Live and Match.com, along with Facebook and Twitter. The ads featured in the campaign reflect the reality of women’s real lives today, and aim to reframe the typical conversation about abortion to a conversation about economic rights.
SEE THE ADS HERE: http://uv-migrate.loc/ads
Markedly absent from the large ad buy are Google, Hulu, and YouTube– all of which banned these ads earlier this year– raising questions about the power these corporations have to decide who is allowed to talk about and access information on abortion and key women’s healthcare.
“We want to go big to change and expand the national conversation about abortion: it’s time to talk about when and why people are having abortions and about how that access is essential to economic equality,” said Shaunna Thomas, co-founder of UltraViolet. “Google is a part of the problem here: women need access to reproductive health care in order to live productive lives, and we can’t do that with Google censoring the entire conversation. 1 in 3 women have this common medical procedure before age 45, but Google won’t allow us to talk about it. That has to change, but until then we are going to reach more young people than ever before on other platforms.”
Over 23,000 people have signed the petition demanding Google, YouTube, and Hulu allow their viewers access to ads industry metrics show are popular among young people.
See UltraViolet’s petition to demand Google, YouTube, and Hulu to stop censoring abortion here: http://act.weareultraviolet.org/call/censorship
For interviews with UltraViolet please contact Andrea Alford at 703-477-1075 or by email at andrea@fitzgibbonmendia.com or Doug Gordon at 202-494-5141 or by email at doug@fitzgibbonmedia.com.
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UltraViolet is an online community of over 600,000 women and men who want to take collective action to expose and fight sexism in the public sector, private sector and the media. Find out more at WeAreUltraViolet.org