Women’s Group Slams NBC’s Decision to Give Trump a Town Hall Event, Says Network is Enabling Trump’s Attacks on Democracy, Racism, Misogyny 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, October 14, 2020

CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com


Women’s Group Slams NBC’s Decision to Give Trump a Town Hall Event, Says Network is Enabling Trump’s Attacks on Democracy, Racism, Misogyny 

UltraViolet criticizes NBC for hosting Trump Town Hall, After Trump Backs Out of Presidential Debate

Earlier today, NBC announced that it will host President Donald Trump in a town hall event on Thursday, October 15th at the same time that Joe Biden will take questions from voters on ABC. Both presidential candidates were scheduled to debate tomorrow night before President Trump abruptly cancelled. 

In response, Shaunna Thomas, executive director of UltraViolet, a leading national women’s group, released the following statement:

“From Access Hollywood to the upcoming Town Hall, NBC has enabled Donald Trump for decades. So it is hardly surprising, but deeply disappointing, that they are giving him a platform to further spread lies about voting and make white supremacist and misogynist attacks.

“Make no mistake – Trump was afraid to debate Joe Biden, and NBC is giving him exactly what he wanted when he walked away from that debate – a friendly platform where he will not be held accountable. By hosting this town hall for Donald Trump, NBC is complicit in his attacks on our democracy and democratic processes.

“NBC’s historically toxic workplace culture and refusal to clean house already told us exactly what we need to know: NBC does not care about the safety of their employees or holding those who abuse their power accountable.

“There are currently 26 public sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump. Instead of refusing to give the President a platform, NBC is leaning in and doubling down on their misogynistic history and reputation. NBC’s Trump town hall is merely business as usual.”

In the past year, UltraViolet:


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