Women’s Group To Howard Schultz: Actions Speak Louder Than Words; Don’t Write Op-Eds, Take Meaningful Action

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, August 31, 2017
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com | (516) 841-1105

Women’s Group To Howard Schultz: Actions Speak Louder Than Words; Don’t Write Op-Eds, Take Meaningful Action

Group Calls on Starbucks to End Leases at Trump Tower, Trump Hotel, Other Trump Properties

Earlier this week, Starbuck’s executive chairman Howard Schultz published a piece in The Financial Times where he called on elected officials in the United States to work together to ‘heal America’s wounds.’  The piece comes just weeks after Schultz spoke out about white supremacist riots in Charlottesville, and President Trump’s reaction to that violence, in which he explained: “What we witnessed this past weekend…is against every sense of what is right. My fear is not only that this behavior is being given permission and license, but its conduct is being normalized to the point where people are no longer hiding their face.”

But UltraViolet, a leading national women’s group, has taken issue with Schultz’s half-hearted denunciations of President Trump, pointing out that Starbucks still directly contributes to the Trump Organization’s financial success – with highly profitable stores in both New York City’s Trump Tower and the Trump Hotel in Washington DC.  UltraVIolet argues that if Schultz and Starbucks were serious about rejecting Trump’s hateful rhetoric and support of white supremacists, that they would sever ties to the Trump Organization, ending their leases at Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet, explained:

“Starbucks and Howard Schultz spend a lot of time and money advertising each year to brand themselves as a company devoted to a higher ethical standard – but these efforts mean nothing when Starbucks is spending millions on leases in Trump properties, putting money directly into the pockets of a racist, misogynistic bigot who actively encourages white supremacists and political violence. If Schultz was serious about living up to the values and ideals he claims to support, Starbucks would take immediate action to sever financial ties to Trump.  Words are cheap. Op-eds are meaningless. It is time to take real and meaningful action when it comes to denouncing hate. Our message to Howard Schultz and Starbucks is simple: it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.”

A petition from UltraViolet calling on Starbucks and Nike to reject Trump’s hateful rhetoric and divisiveness by severing financial ties with the Trump Organization has been signed by more than 73,000 people.

VIEW THE PETITION HERE:  https://act.weareultraviolet.org/sign/trump_tower_stores/

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