Women’s Group Trolls Trump at Florida Rally with Snapchat Filter Reading: “Abortion Access is More Popular Than Trump”

MEDIA ADVISORY FOR: Saturday, February 18, 2017

CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro| 914-523-9145| anna@unbendablemedia.com

SATURDAY: Women’s Group Trolls Trump at Florida Rally with Snapchat Filter Reading: “Abortion Access is More Popular Than Trump”

MELBOURNE, FLThis Saturday, as President Donald Trump holds a campaign rally in Orlando-Melbourne International Airport, UltraViolet, a national women’s organization, will run a geo-targetted Snapchat filter and digital ads at the rally location. The filter and ads will spread the message that more Americans approve of safe, legal abortion access than President Trump. UltraViolet cites polls showing that 70% of Americans approve of abortion access, while only 40% approve of Donald Trump.

The Snapchat filter and geofenced digital ads will read: “Abortion Access Is More Popular Than Donald Trump.” The Snapchat filter and digital ads will direct views to www.morepopularthantrump.com.

VIEW THE SNAPCHAT FILTER AND ADS HERE: https://www.flickr.com/photos/79559505@N06/sets/72157678226468972

UltraViolet kicked off the ad campaign targeting the President for his anti-choice stance with a full-page ad in The Washington Post Express and a plane banner that flew over I-495 during last month’s “March for Life” march, which read: “ABORTION ACCESS MORE POPULAR THAN DONALD TRUMP.”

“We all know that President Trump plays fast and loose with the facts. On Saturday, our ad campaign will confront him and his supporters with the truth: Abortion access is more popular than Donald Trump,” said Shaunna Thomas, Co-founder of UltraViolet.  “Not even a month into his disastrous Presidency, Trump is already seeking reelection in 2020. Women and their allies will never allow a dangerously sexist and anti-choice president to take the oath of office again—and the majority of Americans agree that women should not be silenced by a government that seeks to strip them of their constitutionally-guaranteed right to make their own reproductive decisions. A woman’s decision about her body is her own—not our President’s nor our politicians. Our campaign will drive home this point today and every day.”

For more information, or to speak with a representative from UltraViolet Action, please contact Anna Zuccaro at 914-523-9145 or by email at anna@unbendablemedia.com.

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