UltraViolet on Biden’s Statement Denying Tara Reade’s Sexual Abuse Allegations

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, May 01, 2020

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com 


UltraViolet on Biden’s Statement Denying Tara Reade’s Sexual Abuse Allegations 


Statement from Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet, a leading national women’s advocacy organization:

“We believe survivors. That has always meant that people who come forward with allegations of sexual violence deserve the presumption of truth. We owe them the ability to come forward in a process where they are treated fairly, in a trusted system. Our existing systems, including the criminal justice system, are failing survivors and they must be fixed. Until they are, people will continue to exploit survivors for their own political advantage instead of giving them the respect and justice they deserve.

“We have a sexual violence epidemic in America. While advances have been made it is not nearly enough. And those who seek to only use this as a political weapon do all survivors and our movement a great disservice.

“It was right for Joe Biden to directly address this issue and he has more to do.

“For far too many women, the pursuit of justice against their abusers is nearly impossible – and their stories are silenced. Those who are seeking positions of leadership have an obligation to support policies and practices that put the needs of survivors first.

“We need a leader who can show humility, own the harm that people have experienced as a result of their behavior, and take meaningful steps to facilitate healing.

“We know that leader can not be and will not be Donald Trump.”



