Women’s Group Demands Judge James McClusky Be Removed From the Bench Immediately After Minimizing Rape of “Only” One Girl

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, May 1, 2019

CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group Demands Judge James McClusky Be Removed From the Bench Immediately After Minimizing Rape of “Only” One Girl

Over 17,000 sign petition demanding NY Commission on Judicial Conduct remove Judge McClusky after child rapist gets slap on the wrist in sentencing decision

NEW YORK — Last week, Jefferson County Supreme Court Judge James McClusky sentenced 26 year old Shane Piche to 10 years of probation and a $365 in fines after Piche was found guilty of raping a 14-year-old girl at his home. Piche, who was a bus driver in the victim’s school district, pleaded guilty to third-degree rape. According to court records, Piche lured her and other minors to his house, gave them alcohol — and then sexually abused her.

In response, Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet, a leading national women’s advocacy group, released the following statement:.

“Judge McClusky’s decision to allow a confessed child sexual abuser to go virtually unpunished and remain in his community demonstrates a complete disregard for survivors of sexual assault. It’s clear that McClusky cannot be trusted to administer justice and should be removed from his position immediately.

“Unbelievably, McClusky justified his sentence for Piche by explaining it was “only” one girl. This flippant disregard for a 14-year-old rape survivor is a disturbing reminder that rape culture is still pervasive, and that far too often our so-called justice system prioritizes the well-being of white male perpetrators over the survivors of their crimes.

More than 17,000 people have signed on a petition from UltraViolet demanding that the New York Commission on Judicial Conduct remove Judge James McClusky from the bench immediately.

This is not the first time UltraViolet has targeted a judge over unjust sentencing for sexual abuse. In 2015, California Judge Aaron Persky sentenced Brock Turner to a mere six months in prison for assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster at a Stanford University party. Ultimately, California voters removed Judge Persky from the bench after immense public pressure spearheaded by UltraViolet and its members.

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UltraViolet is a community of more than one million people that drives feminist cultural and political change. Through people power and strategic advocacy, we work to improve the lives of women and girls of all identities and backgrounds, and all people impacted by sexism, by dismantling discrimination and creating a cost for sexism.

