THURSDAY 9 AM: Women’s Group to Play ‘Access Hollywood’ Footage of Trump Bragging About Sexual Assault on Non-Stop Loop on Giant Screen in Front of the Capitol, Urging Senators to #StopKavanaugh
Sexual Assault Survivors to Sen. Manchin in New Letter: ‘By Not Publicly Opposing Kavanaugh You Are Complicit in Perpetuating Abuse of Women, and Give Cover to Republicans’
FRIDAY AT NOON: Protesters Stage Sit-In Inside Senator Collins’ Portland Office Demanding the Senator Reject Brett Kavanaugh’s Nomination for the Supreme Court
UltraViolet: It Is Now Crystal Clear: Brett Kavanaugh Should Not Only Never Step Foot Inside The Supreme Court, He Should Be Removed from the Bench Entirely
THURSDAY 12PM: Sexual Assault Survivors Protest Outside Sen. Murkowski’s Anchorage Office Demanding She #BelieveSurvivors, Call for Kavanaugh’s Nomination to Be Withdrawn
Thirteen years ago, UltraViolet was founded with a vision for a multi-racial, multi-issue feminist movement. Today, we're 1 million members strong and still growing. Donate $13 for 13 years and counting of unapologetic feminist activism.